What Are The Pros And Cons Of Online Tracking Software

What Are The Pros And Cons Of Online Tracking Software

Everything always comes with a fair share of flaws, so we can’t expect each technology to be linked with advantages only. This article is all about throwing some light on both advantages and disadvantages of using online tracking software at workplaces.

Let’s have a look at some benefits of using tracking software first.

Pros of using Hours Time tracking app

  • Enhances productivity - time tracking software allows every user to have detailed info regarding his work and the time investment on the particular task he performed. This also includes the data that shows your time wastage on unproductive tasks. This analysis helps you to make better working plans by removing all the distraction resources during your work.
  • You can view your work progress - through tracking software employees can view their work progress, this makes them more focused and motivated towards work to achieve the specific deadline or target given by the client.
  • Minimized disputes regarding payouts - time tracker makes the accurate record of your billing as per your work hours, which diminishes the chances of even the slightest error in calculating the payouts.

Despite each benefit which this hours time tracking app contains, there are many disadvantages too, have a look below.

Cons of time tracking software

  • Employees’ disappointments - the feeling of being spied on by your seniors makes the employees feel distrustful, which somewhat harms the working environment. To avoid this, employers have to clear out the reasons and must discuss the benefits of using the tracking software with them, so that they can be more comfortable.
  • Privacy concern - the employees may feel like that employer are stealing their privacy by monitoring their activities throughout the day and the tracking software may track their confidential data on their social accounts, but that’s not true, here also employers need to educate their employees regarding the tracking software, that it only monitors your web surfing, this tracker has nothing to do with any confidential data.
  • Time wastage in learning - some people consider tracker software as the wastage of time because not everyone is proficient enough in frequently learning the ways of using new technology. So, here most of the time of the employees gets wasted in learning how to use it.


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