Top Best Free Time Tracking Software from 2020 (that we’ll continue to use after the pandemic)

2020 was the year with a beautiful number and an ugly reputation. As the coronavirus spread and homes turned into offices, people flocked to remote work tools and apps that facilitated online communication.

Timefibers, being a Best Free Time Tracking Software that automatically logs the use of productive vs. unproductive applications, is in a unique position to witness changes in consumer app-use behavior. With 323K users worldwide and tens of thousands of work hours tracked daily, we were the first to see which apps suddenly became massively popular. We have now compiled the consumer app usage data from 2020 and compared it to 2019, and we’re ready to share it with you. 

We’re happy to see that one of the most popular apps among Productivity Time Tracker App users is…Timefibers Actually, it all makes sense, and here’s how.

In 2020, the amount of Timefibers users tripled. As hundreds of millions of people around the world became homebound, the need for remote work management tools became critical. Increasingly more managers chose Timefibers to foster accountability and productivity within their teams. And more and more freelancers and students opted for Timefibers to keep their motivation and productivity high. 


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